7 years ago

Gluten Free Amaretto Brownies

Happy December friends! Tis’ the holiday season where the calories don’t count!  One of my absolute favorite desserts anytime of year (and that’s saying something because I LOVE sweets) are brownies.  Growing up, my mom Keep Reading

8 years ago

Pumpkin Flower Arrangements

It has been embarrassingly long since my last post, friends. It’s all due to good news though: a new job! After almost six months of sending out applications, meeting for coffees (and watching a lot Keep Reading

9 years ago

DIY Pom Pom Sandals

There is no easier way to add a little summer fun to your wardrobe than with a pair of DIY pom pom sandals.  These Grecian goddesses have been blowing up everyone’s Instagram feeds this year Keep Reading

9 years ago

Spicy Mango Margarita Pops

Happy almost-Cinco de Mayo aka the best drinking holiday out there.  It doesn’t get much better than sitting outside on a sunny day, sipping margaritas…unlesssssss, it’s a sunny day, and you’ve got a margarita popsicle Keep Reading

9 years ago

DIY Tassel Heels

Fancy footwear is having a serious moment, and I’m showing you a super easy way to up your footwear game with these DIY Tassel Heels. From Aquazurra’s Wild Thing sandals to Rebecca Minkoff’s tassel handbags, tassels and Keep Reading

9 years ago

DIY Shibori Napkins

With the constant dreariness of the Portland weather, I’m trying to channel spring and summer with a little tie dye action in this DIY Shibori Napkins tutorial. Shibori has really taken a high-fashion turn in Keep Reading

9 years ago

Party Popcorn

We are huge popcorn aficionado’s in this house.  We make some almost every night; our favorite being with a little Parmesan cheese and truffle salt…yum! Lately, I’ve been loving testing out some new toppings… white Keep Reading

9 years ago

DIY Washi Tape Easter Eggs

Looking for something a little different than plain ol’ dye this Easter?  You’re in the right place for an egg-ceptional idea for this year’s decorations (and for as many egg puns as I can think Keep Reading