6 years ago

Weekend Reads | 4-5

Happy Friday everyone!  Today’s weekend reads has taken on a bit of an Easter theme this week, because I love my holidays.  This year, Easter will be a little different; I’ll be heading back from Keep Reading

6 years ago

Weekend Reads | 2-22

It’s finally Friday!  It’s a good weekend when you plan…to have no plans.   I’ll be traveling the next few weekends, so I am looking forward to a quiet one at home.  But one plan I Keep Reading

6 years ago

DIY Rose Petal Sugar Scrub

Your sweetheart give you some beautiful blooms for Valentine’s Day?  Don’t even think about tossing those roses; save them and make this easy DIY Rose Petal Sugar Scrub.  The best part…it only takes four ingredients! I get Keep Reading

6 years ago

Weekend Reads | 12-14

Happy Friday friends.  Back with another holiday edition of weekend reads…which means presents…cocktails and holiday movies! We’ve been in Chicago all week visiting family and are heading out to Denver to visit my brother tonight. Keep Reading

7 years ago

DIY Pom Pom Tassel Espadrilles

Is there anything more fun for summer than pom poms and tassels?!  I have been seeing pom poms on EVERYTHING lately, from throw pillows and blankets to high-end heels.  But one of my favorite ways Keep Reading

9 years ago

DIY Pom Pom Sandals

There is no easier way to add a little summer fun to your wardrobe than with a pair of DIY pom pom sandals.  These Grecian goddesses have been blowing up everyone’s Instagram feeds this year Keep Reading

9 years ago

DIY Tassel Heels

Fancy footwear is having a serious moment, and I’m showing you a super easy way to up your footwear game with these DIY Tassel Heels. From Aquazurra’s Wild Thing sandals to Rebecca Minkoff’s tassel handbags, tassels and Keep Reading

9 years ago

DIY Shibori Napkins

With the constant dreariness of the Portland weather, I’m trying to channel spring and summer with a little tie dye action in this DIY Shibori Napkins tutorial. Shibori has really taken a high-fashion turn in Keep Reading